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NMoQ x Microsoft Weekend Camp Series: Session 2

Past Event

Minecraft Learn to Play, Conveying Messaging through Minecraft: In this session, students will explore how to use camera and Portfolio, Chalkboard, NPC players. A series of activities will take students through the different functions and their extended uses within Minecraft and explore everything from taking pictures of buildings they have crafted, to making their world more interactive with the addition of a NPC player.

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Minecraft is one of the most popular games ever created, loved by millions of people all over the world. Opening up a digital universe of creativity most games can’t come close to matching.

Children get a lot out of all that Minecraft has to offer. They learn different skills, flex their creative muscles, and develop new relationships inside of this digital platform.

We are excited to share this wonderful weekend camp opportunity with your institutions, presented in collaboration with the National Museum of Qatar and Microsoft, and hope to teach students the basics of Minecraft in order to set them up for independent exploration and collaboration with peers.